Virginia Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association
Joining the VAWSMRA
Contact one of our chapters that are located near your home and reach out to those Brethren to let them know that you are interested in becoming a member. You will need two Widows Sons to vouch for you, so make sure they can and will do so. Our membership is open to your wife or significant other and other family members - not all chapters have the same rules regarding membership, so check with them.
The Virginia Widows Sons Masonic Rider Association (VAWSMRA) is an Independent and Sovereign Body of Master Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Virginia and under the Executive Board of Virginia Chapter Representatives/Presidents. No Body or Individual other than the Virginia Executive Board speaks for the Widows Sons of Virginia. The Widows Sons of Virginia is comprised of Master Masons and dually sponsored female family members of those Affiliated Chapters which have been chartered by the VAWSMRA and which are in the geographic jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Virginia. All such Widows Sons Chapters shall affiliate with VAWSMRA and comply with its Constitution and Bylaws. All Master Mason members shall be in good standing and remain in good standing in the records of their Blue Lodges. The chapter shall not accept into any form of membership anyone who is a member of a clandestine lodge or a lodge that is not recognized by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge AF&AM of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
It is the obligation of the membership to support the welfare and general well-being of the Widows Sons and Masonry in the Commonwealth of Virginia. You must be a Master Mason in Good Standing in the Commonwealth of Virginia under the Grand Lodge of Virginia A. F & A. M. located in Richmond, Virginia (USA). Our Brotherhood is made up of all kinds of good men that share many common bonds to include charity, esteem, and love for our fraternity and the welfare of our Brothers and their Widows and Orphans.
It is the obligation of the membership to obey, without reservation, all laws, edicts and orders imposed on the membership by the Executive Board of Virginia Widows Sons Masonic Rider Association (VAWSMRA), in accordance with the laws, resolutions, and edicts of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the Commonwealth of Virginia.